Monday, October 13, 2008

When I was obese....

When I was obese....

When I WAS obese....

When I was OBESE....

I was a photographer, musician and artist.

No one saw the photographer, musician or artist.

They saw obesity.
-Yvonne McCarthy

I read Possibility Girl on the internet. I thought it was thought provoking so I wanted to share it.

Possibility Girl
Everyone thinks Possibility Girl is possibly a genius. Any day now, they continually agree, Possibility Girl will make it big. Become a star. ‘You won’t forget us when you're famous, will you?’ they always say, as Possibility Girl begins yet another amazing project.
The only person, who doesn’t believe in Possibility Girl's possible genius, is Possibility Girl herself. She thinks they're being too kind. She isn’t gifted at all. She’s a fake genius, bluffing her way through life. She is convinced the moment she tries to actually achieve her full potential, she will fail, fall flat on her face, and the people that once admired her from afar, will admire her no more. And so Possibility Girl never actually achieves anything. She just sits on the edge of her possible glory and basks in the adulation of her potential.
-Andre Jordan


Anonymous said...

Wow. Very thought provoking ... I've said those things before. :(

Alirat said...

I think that quote is brilliant. I hope you don't mind but I have quoted you in my blog and included a link to your blog.

Unknown said...

Alirat, I am honored. Thanks so very much!
Blessings, Yvonne

Anonymous said...

Yvonne.... how true. I say this as a self proclaimed former Possibility Girl !

I love it. Thanks for sharing!


Unknown said...

Tiff, I LOVE THAT. "A self proclaimed former Possibility Girl". We need to pass that one on!

Donna said...

Such in depth verse, so true, so eerie how it hits home.. Such a beautiful soul. Souls don't bare the mark of flesh. So all that is left, is the beauty of this precious soul. Thank you Yvonne.. You are beautiful, inside and outside.